2 Translations

How do you say Awesome in Danish?

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How is awesome written in Danish?

awesome written in Danish is Formidabelt.

How to use Awesome in a sentence:

  • If you want to be awesome, you have to do awesome stuff.
  • Hvis du vil være awesome, skal du gøre awesome stuff. (Danish translation)
  • What are 3 awesome destinations in Africa?
  • Hvad er 3 awesome destinationer i Afrika? (Danish translation)
  • The circus performers were awesome, they did so many tricks.
  • Cirkus kunstner awesome, de gjorde så mange tricks. (Danish translation)

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2 Translations

  1. Carlos on May 22, 2011 Reply

    Im heading to Denmark, and I couldn't remember how to say Awesome, thanks for the help. I know outstanding is udestående.

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  2. Jack Wang on May 23, 2011 Reply

    Hey everyone, I think there are other ways to say Formidabelt, but this is the way i learned from my Dad. Can someone who speaks Danish please post another example? There isn’t truly a word in Danish that directly translate to awesome, but formidabelt is close enough

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