
Language Translation

Translate English Sentences to Spanish for Free

BabelFish translation software offers translations in over 75 different languages. Users can easily translate English sentences to Spanish for free and effortlessly by downloading the BabelFish software. Translating from one language such as English to Spanish can be very difficult for many reasons. 1. The most common mistakes involve the Spanish sentence structure, and how […]

Posted by on July 14, 2010 3 Comments

Dahil Sa Iyo Translation: Easy Song Translation

With BabelFish, fans of the song Dahil Sa Iyo can easily translate the lyrics from Tagalog to English. The correct Dahil Sa Iyo translation has been argued about over the internet for years due to its popularity. The song Dahil Sa Iyo was first written by Miguel “Mike” Velarde, Jr. in 1938 but became an […]

Posted by on June 11, 2010 2 Comments