Chinese Translator
- psycho cracker won't get off my services
- Psycho Cracker 不会离开我的服务
- 已提柜至海外仓,预计2025-03-11(美国当地时间)拆柜
- The container has been picked up to the overseas warehouse, and it is expected to be unpacked on 2025-03-11 (local time in the United States).
- 抵达【LAX】
- Arrive at LAX
- 申请日
- Application date
- 2025-03-11 19:40:10 深圳,GB快件到达机场
2025-03-10 15:25:10 深圳,GB货物离开操作中心
2025-03-10 15:04:51 莆田,GB到达收货点 - 2025-03-11 19:40:10 Shenzhen, GB Express arrives at the airport
2025-03-10 15:25:10 Shenzhen, GB cargo leaves the operation center
2025-03-10 15:04:51 Putian, GB arrives at the receiving point
- 福州市, 【福州市国际互换局】已出口直封
- Fuzhou City, [Fuzhou International Exchange Bureau] has been exported to the direct seal
- 新健康医院信息化分享
- Informatization sharing of new health hospitals
- 深圳市, 邮件离开【深圳国际直属中心营业部】,正在发往【深圳国际
- Shenzhen, the mail leaves the [Shenzhen International Direct Center Sales Department] and is being sent to [Shenzhen International
- 本程序提供以測定 OD280 吸光值來進行蛋白質定量之操作方法
- This procedure provides a method for measuring the OD280 absorbance value for protein quantification
- 本程序提供以測定
- This program provides to measure
- 卡图国际公司
- Kathu International, Inc
- 杭州品通互联科技有限公司
- Hangzhou Pintong Internet Technology Co., Ltd
- 航班排航中
货物过港中,预计11号到港 - Flights are scheduled
The cargo is handed over to the airline
The goods are in transit, and it is expected to arrive at the port on the 11th
- 2025-03-11 13:57:31航班排航中
2025-03-11 09:22:15货物移交航司
2025-03-10 09:29:45货物过港中,预计11号到港 - 2025-03-11 13:57:31Flight scheduled
2025-03-11 09:22:15Cargo handed over to airlines
2025-03-10 09:29:45The goods are in transit, and it is expected to arrive at the port on the 11th
- 貨物不是古董, 不久前才從工廠生產出來的徽章和紀念幣, 能幫忙向海關解釋嗎?? 謝謝~
- The goods are not antiques, badges and commemorative coins that were produced from the factory not long ago, can you help explain them to the customs? Thank you~
- 2025-03-08 09:23
航空公司启运 - 2025-03-08 09:23
Departure by airline
- 预计预约当地时间【3月10日】提柏
- It is expected that the local time [March 10] will be made in Tiber
- 当地时间3月8日已到港
- It arrived in Hong Kong on March 8, local time
- little boys naked
- 小男孩裸体
- little boys suck each other
- 小男孩们互相吸吮
- home camera leak mom
- 家庭摄像头泄漏妈妈
- JFK,包裹已从海关释放
- JFK, the package has been released from customs
- 货物过港中,预计11号到港
- The goods are in transit, and it is expected to arrive at the port on the 11th
- 2-Propionic acid, 2-methyl-, polymer with 1,3-butadiene, N,N'-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis([N-(oxyranylmethyl)oxiranemethanamine], and 2-propenenitrile
- 2-丙酸,2-甲基-,含1,3-丁二烯、N,N'-(亚甲基二-4,1-苯基)双([N-(氧乙基甲基)氧氧乙腈]和2-丙烯腈的聚合物
- 预计2月27号开船 ,3月27到港 ,实际以船司官网更新为准。
- It is expected to depart on February 27 and arrive at the port on March 27, and the actual update on the official website of the shipping company shall prevail.
- 我真的感覺不太好
- I really don't feel good
- 如果你知道西遊記
- If you know the Westward Journey
- 這就是我所知道的所有中文
- That's all I know in Chinese
- walking home carrying a basket on saturday
- 周六提篮子走回家
- 包裹从分拣中心发出, SHANGHAI
- Packages are sent from the sorting center, SHANGHAI
- 包裹到达机场,等待发运, SHANGHAI
- The package arrives at the airport and is waiting to be shipped, SHANGHAI
- 到达分拣中心操作中转
- Arrive at the sorting center to operate the transit
- Shao
- Shao
- Shao lin
- Shao lin
- Iittle
- Iittle
- ⁎†उ嬉灕慤整䌠湯楦畧慲楴湯奻丯嵽〲〲〭ⴱ㈰〠㨵㠴㌺‷ॎ䑛瑡楔敭圠瑡牥慭歲奻丯嵽〱〸㍐रउ噛摩潥楳敺ㅻ㐴倰〳ㄯ㠰倰〵ㄯ㠰倰〳㜯〲㕐⼰㈷倰〳嵽वउ䡛杩汨杩瑨牐ⵥ敒潣摲湩畄慲楴湯笠⼵〱⁽敓潣摮嵳〱उ嬉楈桧楬桧獴䬠敥⁰畄慲楴湯笠〱㈯⼰〳⁽敓潣摮嵳〱उ嬉敓浧湥⁴楔敭㕻ㄯ⼰㔱㈯⼰〳⁽楍畮整嵳啎䱌उ嬉潌潧匠牴湩嵧ॎउ䙛牯慭筴⽙絎൝上ठ †嬠潍潴楖牢瑡潩筮⽙絎搠灥湥獤漠敤楶散൝夊उ嬉潍楶
- ⁎†उ嬉灕慤整䌠湯楦畧慲楴湯奻丯嵽〲〲〭ⴱ㈰〠㨵㠴㌺‷ॎ䑛瑡楔敭圠瑡牥慭歲奻丯嵽〱〸㍐रउ噛摩潥楳敺ㅻ㐴倰〳ㄯ㠰倰〵ㄯ㠰倰〳㜯〲㕐⼰㈷倰〳嵽वउ䡛杩汨杩瑨牐ⵥ敒潣摲湩畄慲楴湯笠⼵〱⁽敓潣摮嵳〱उ嬉楈桧楬桧獴䬠敥⁰畄慲楴湯笠〱㈯⼰〳⁽敓潣摮嵳〱उ嬉敓浧湥⁴楔敭㕻ㄯ⼰㔱㈯⼰〳⁽ 楍畮整嵳啎䱌उ 潌潧鉴湩嵧ॎउ䙛牯慭筴爿絎൝上ठ † 嬠 Wei 潴 楖 祖 瑡 潩筮爿絎琠絥湥獤 絝楶 scattered ൝ 夊उ 嬉 Wei 楶
- melon
- melon
- Be safe, be amazing, be blessed
- 安全、惊人、祝福
- 离开操作中心发往机场
- 预计3月9号当地晚上22:45分左右的航班
- The flight is scheduled for around 22:45 local evening on March 9
- 华东仓,上海,上海,Cn,200000,
- East China Warehouse, Shanghai, Shanghai, Cn, 200000,
- 邮件送往机场
- Mail to the airport
- 快件完成分拣,准备发往口岸
- The shipment is sorted and ready to be sent to the port
- 邮件离开【广东省国际公司直属花地湾营业部】,正在发往【广州国际】
- On the occasion of the month of Ramadan, Michael Jackson has put a picture of my profile while he is disguised (religious)
- 在斋月之际,迈克尔杰克逊放了一张我乔装打扮(宗教)时的个人资料照片
- 香港飞出,预计4号抵达
- Hong Kong flew out and is expected to arrive on the 4th
- The stones were too hot last time
- 邮件离开【北京国际互换局】,正在发往下一站
- The email left the Beijing International Exchange Bureau and was being sent to the next station
- 已到达【CA】投递局
- Arrived at the CA delivery office
- 原始轨迹: 航空公司接收 , translate: Airlines receive
- Original track: Airlines receive, translate: Airlines receive
- 原始轨迹: 航空公司接收 , translate: Airlines receive
- 原始轨迹: 航空公司接收 , 翻译: 航空公司接收
- 物品出库分拣中心
- Items are shipped out of the sorting center
- shenzhen,物品出库分拣中心Item outbound in sorting center
- shenzhen,Item outbound in sorting center
- JFK,包裹离开始发地
- JFK, the package leaves the place of departure
- 货物已出库,安排下港
- The goods have been shipped out of the warehouse and arranged to be disembarked
- 日本人覺得無所謂,你操什麼心
- The Japanese feel that there is nothing to say, what the hell do you care
- 已开船,预计到港时间:2025-03-24(美国当地时间)
- Sailing, ETA: 2025-03-24 (U.S. local time)
- 你太沒原則了,高華們都應該響應謳歌讚揚
- You are so unprincipled that the Chinese should sing praises in response
- 新郑国际机场, 快件到达处理中心【新郑国际机场】
- Xinzheng International Airport, Express Arrival Processing Center【Xinzheng International Airport】
- 03-06 21:45
03-06 15:25
02-27 15:46
02-27 14:06
航空公司接收 - 03-06 21:45
Aircraft arrival
03-06 15:25
Departure by airline
02-27 15:46
Airline receiving
02-27 14:06
Airline receiving
- You other brothers can't deny
- 你们其他兄弟不能否认
- 我喜欢大屁股,而且我不会撒谎
- I love big butts, and I'm not going to lie
- 快件到达,准备发往下一站
- The shipment arrives and is ready to be sent to the next stop
- one beer please, sapporo preferred
- 一杯啤酒,首选札幌
- 原始轨迹: Item outbound in sorting center.(货物已出库
- Original track: Item outbound in sorting center. (The goods have been shipped out of the warehouse.)
- 03-05 16:38
深圳市.已收寄.深圳市.客户交接,下一站[机场] - 03-05 16:38
Shenzhen. Received. Shenzhen. Customer handover, next stop [airport]
- 官网更新当地3月6号到港
- The official website will be updated to the local arrival on March 6
- Your bottles are redy, the middle locker combination is 1357.
- 你的瓶子是 redy,中间的储物柜组合是 1357。
- 2025-03-06 17:35
广州市 / 邮件离开【广东省国际公司直属花地湾营业部】,正在发往【广州国际 - 2025-03-06 17:35
Guangzhou City / The mail leaves the Huadiwan Sales Department directly under Guangdong International Company and is being sent to Guangzhou International
- 预计2月28号开船 ,3月29到港 ,实际以船司官网更新为准。 - 深圳公司
- It is expected to depart on February 28 and arrive at the port on March 29, and the actual update on the official website of the shipping company shall prevail. - Shenzhen Company
- 福州市, 邮件到达【福州直属营业部】,正在发往【福州国际】
- Fuzhou City, the mail arrived at the [Fuzhou Direct Sales Department] and is being sent to [Fuzhou International]
- 海关允许进口
- Customs allows importation
- 接收, 航空公司
- Receiving, airlines
- 发往下一站, 邮件准备
- Send to the next stop, mail preparation
- 此產品不支援熱點分享.以任何方式強行分享.網絡供應商有權終止服務及不會作出任何賠償.
- This product does not support hot spot sharing. Forcefully share in any way. The online provider has the right to terminate the service and will not make any compensation.
- 此產品不支援熱點分享。以任何方式強行分享,網絡供應商有權終止服務及不會作出任何賠償。
- 此產品不支援醱點分享。 In any way, the online supplier has the right to terminate the service and will not make any compensation.
- UT542038028TW 2024-11-22 16:02:42 包裹到达干线注入港 2024-11-10 18:11:00 包裹离开发件国/地区 2024-11-08 17:30:00 交航成功
- UT542038028TW 2024-11-22 16:02:42 Parcel arrives at the trunk injection port 2024-11-10 18:11:00 Parcel leaves country/region 2024-11-08 17:30:00 Delivery successful
- 预定航班,预计03-02航班
- Scheduled flights, scheduled for 03-02 flights
- 여성형 사이보그 유닛 모음
그녀들은 바이오공학을 바탕으로 매우 뛰어난 신체와 능력을 갖추고 있어, 행성 개척과 생존에 큰 도움을 줄 것입니다. - 여성형 사이보그 유닛 모음
그녀들은 바이오공학을 바탕으로 매우 뛰어난 신체와 능력을 갖추고 있어, 행성 개척과 생존에 큰 도움을 줄 것입니다.
- Jinjin
- Jinjin
- About time
- 是时候了
- 兒童/青少年關懷
- Features real karate chopping action
- 离开【CO】处理中心
- Leave the CO processing center
- 长沙市, 快件离开处理中心【长沙市]
- Changsha City, Express Departure Processing Center【Changsha City】
- 发件人: \\\"Mark Hickey\\\" ;
发送时间: 2025年2月27日(星期四) 晚上11:51
收件人: \\\"飞扬de年华\\\";
主题: Re: thanks and look forward to your picture for mini sensor cable - From: \\\ "Mark Hickey\\\" ;
Sent: February 27, 2025 (Thursday) 11:51 p.m
Attn: \\\ "Flappy de Nianhua \\\";
Subject: Re: thanks and look forward to your picture for mini sensor cable
- 发件人: "Mark Hickey" ;
发送时间: 2025年2月27日(星期四) 晚上11:51
收件人: "飞扬de年华";
主题: Re: thanks and look forward to your picture for mini sensor cable - From: "Mark Hickey" ;
Sent: February 27, 2025 (Thursday) 11:51 p.m
To: "Flappy de Youth";
Subject: Re: thanks and look forward to your picture for mini sensor cable
- 上海市, 邮件离开【上海王港邮件处理中心】
- Shanghai, Mail Departure【Shanghai Wanggang Mail Processing Center】
- 您的快件离开【广东省深圳市宝安区松罗】,已发往【深圳转运中心】
- Your express mail has left [Songluo, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] and has been sent to [Shenzhen Transit Center]
- 飞机进港(到达目的地)
- Aircraft Arrival (Arrival at Destination)
- 孤單會消失離開不見
- Lone single will disappear 離開不見
- 已开船,预计3月28号到达港口,以实际抵达为准
- The ship has been sailed and is expected to arrive at the port on March 28, subject to the actual arrival
- 他为自己努力,也为自己完成了死亡。他等着吸那最后的一口气,他是个还有口气的死鬼,个人主义是他的灵魂。这个灵魂将随着他的身体一齐烂化在泥土中。” ——骆驼祥子 (老舍)
- He worked hard for himself and completed his death for himself. He waited to take that last breath, he was a dead ghost with a breath, and individualism was his soul. This soul will rot into the dirt along with his body. - Camel Xiangzi (Lao She)
- 包裹已签收
- The package has been signed
- 包裹已签收
- 包裹已签收
- 深圳市, 已交承运
- Shenzhen, delivered for carriage
- shangquan
- shangquan
- cengci
- cengci
- 预计3/4号航班起飞
- Flight 3/4 is scheduled to depart
- 色黒の子がエロい
- 色黒の子がエロい