4 Translations

How do you say Awesome in Dutch?

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How to say awesome in Dutch

Dutch is one of the most straight forward languages to learn, but recently quite a few of you have been asking us about this translation. awesome in Dutch is usually translated to 'ontzagwekkend'.

How to use Awesome in a sentence:

  • The circus performers were awesome, they did so many tricks.
  • De performers circus waren geweldig, ze heeft zoveel trucs. (Dutch translation)

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4 Translations

  1. Kristi on May 10, 2011 Reply

    Come on guys, I bet there is a better way to say awesome in Dutch..

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  2. Nicholas on May 10, 2011 Reply

    I ran it by my mom who is learning Dutch. It's "ontzagwekkend".

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  3. MarySchmidt on May 17, 2011 Reply

    I took a random English sentence and translated it.
    'The concert was awesome, you would not believe what happened.'

    'Het concert was awesome, je zou niet geloven wat er gebeurd is.'

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  4. Vera on Jul 19, 2012 Reply

    ontzegwekkend is really tight ass to say here is Holland! In a sentence as aboven “the concert was awesome” we would say “Het concert was geweldig” so “geweldig” is the word you are looking for. Take it from a dutch native!

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