13 Translations
How do you say Awesome in French?
Asked by: Robert Haydon 108459 views
What's the French Translation for awesome?
Probably the question we get the most frequently is how to translate this. 'awesome' in French is usually translated as; 'Awesome'.
How to use Awesome in a sentence:
- If you want to be awesome, you have to do awesome stuff.
- Si vous souhaitez être génial, vous devez faire awesome stuff. (French translation)
- I am awesome!
- Je suis awesome ! (French translation)
- The concert was awesome, you would not believe what happened.
- Le concert était génial, vous croiriez pas ce qui est arrivé. (French translation)
- The circus performers were awesome, they did so many tricks.
- Les artistes de cirque ont été génial, ils l'ont fait tant des trucs. (French translation)
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