3 Translations
How do you say Call Me in Spanish?
Asked by: Kathryn Swider 18440 views
How can I say call me in Spanish?
The way to say call me in Spanish is: "me llaman".
How to use Call me in a sentence:
- I asked her to call me if she was interested.
- Le pregunté a llamarme si estaba interesada. (Spanish translation)
- Do not call me drunk again or I will delete you from my contacts.
- No me llames borracho nuevo o eliminará de mis contactos. (Spanish translation)
- Just do not call me Shirley.
- Simplemente no me llames Shirley. (Spanish translation)
- She said to call me later, I just don't know if I am interested.
- Ella dijo que me llame más tarde, yo no sé si me interesa.
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