5 Translations

How do you say Cute in Portuguese?

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How do I Pronounce cute in Portuguese?

We get feedback from a lot of users with questions about it. “cute” in Portuguese is translated as: ‘bonito’.

How to use Cute in a sentence:

  • These cute puppies had been playing happily in a pen.
  • Esses filhotes de cachorro bonitos tinham jogado alegremente em uma caneta. (Portuguese translation)
  • Our cute panda loves to have his photo taken.
  • Nosso panda cute gosta de ter sua foto tirada. (Portuguese translation)
  • You are the so cute I could eat you.
  • Você é o tão bonito eu poderia comê-lo. (Portuguese translation)
  • When I think of cute I do not think of you!
  • Quando eu penso em bonito não penso de você! (Portuguese translation)

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5 Translations

  1. Robert Haydon on Apr 25, 2011 Reply

    Wonderful, thanks for the diverse versions of cute in Portuguese.

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  2. A williams on Apr 28, 2011 Reply

    I will have your money tomorrow

    -1 Votes Thumb up 0 Votes Thumb down 0 Votes

  3. Kenneth on Apr 29, 2011 Reply

    ‘bonito’ is the Portuguese translation for cute. So you’d translate “Cute is everywhere if you get the time to glance.” into ‘Bonito está em toda parte se você chegar a tempo para olhar.

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  4. Ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

    When you’re talking about cute animals, like “you’re so cute I could eat you!”, it’s not “bonito”, “bonito” is “pretty”, or “good-looking”, “handsome”, “beautiful”, in that line. cute would be “fofo”.

    FOFO. “fofinho” making it small (like adding -ie in English); “fofa” if whatever it is is female (ex.: aquela blusa é super fofa! = that t-shirt is super cute!); “fofinha”.

    “fofura” is the noun, like “cuteness”.

    “bonitinho” can be used in the same way. Note how it is the diminutive (small) version of “bonito”.

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  5. Camila Almeida on Sep 28, 2012 Reply

    Can be ‘fofo’ or ‘bonito’

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