2 Translations

How do you say Dating in German?

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How can I say dating in German?

The correct way to say dating in German is: "Partnersuche".

How to use Dating in a sentence:

  • And that it in a nutshell when it comes to dating, keep things simple.
  • Und dass es auf den Punkt, wenn es darum Partnersuche, die Dinge einfach halten. (German translation)
  • Get to know about singles in your dating community.
  • Über Singles in Ihrer Partnersuche Gemeinde kennen zu lernen. (German translation)
  • Whats the best dating directory of common Matchmakers and Jewish Matchmakers?
  • Was ist das beste Partnersuche Verzeichnis für gemeinsame Kuppler und jüdischen Kuppler? (German translation)
  • Dating can be difficult and time consuming.
  • Dativ kann schwierig und zeitaufwändig sein. (German translation)

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2 Translations

  1. Nicholas on May 14, 2011 Reply

    i wanted to show a good example i found.

    "Haben Sie schon einmal eine online Partnersuche Seite verwendet?"
    from this in Engilsh: "Have you ever used an online dating site?"

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  2. Michael Constant on May 20, 2011 Reply

    I came across a sign posted in the convenience store that had: "So sind Sie jemand Dativ?" I thought it was German. I made out Dating but I couldn't read the rest.

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