3 Translations

How do you say Dating in Spanish?

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What is the Spanish Translation for dating?

dating translated into Spanish is: ‘citas’. Im actually still trying to learn Spanish. The best way to remember it is to use it in a sentence.

How to use Dating in a sentence:

  • Have you ever used an online dating site?
  • ¿Se ha utilizado alguna vez un sitio de citas en línea? (Spanish translation)
  • Whats the best dating directory of common Matchmakers and Jewish Matchmakers?
  • ¿Cuál es el mejor citas directorio de Matchmakers común y Matchmakers judío? (Spanish translation)
  • Dating can be difficult and time consuming.
  • Citas pueden ser difícil y lenta. (Spanish translation)

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3 Translations

  1. Arora on May 01, 2011 Reply

    Thank you for the translation.. I just moved from Spain, and I always forgot how to say dating in Spanish.

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  2. Edwin C on May 03, 2011 Reply

    I just wanted to share a good example I discovered.

    ¿Por lo tanto son pareja cualquiera?
    converted from Engilsh: ‘So are you dating anyone?’

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  3. Edward on May 04, 2011 Reply

    Just for fun i used a piece of translation software to rewrite this sentence in Spanish:
    And that it in a nutshell when it comes to dating, keep things simple.
    Y que en pocas palabras cuando se trata de citas, mantener las cosas simples.

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