3 Translations

How do you say Excellent in Dutch?

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excellent Translated to Dutch

A ton of people have been wondering how to do this translation. Looks like an easy one. excellent written in Dutch is… uitstekende. Let's try it in a sentence.

How to use Excellent in a sentence:

  • We are certain that all customers are satisfied with our excellent workmanship.
  • Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat alle klanten tevreden over onze uitstekende afwerking zijn. (Dutch translation)
  • That is excellent news to hear.
  • Dat is uitstekend nieuws om te horen. (Dutch translation)
  • They had excellent service at the hotel we stayed at and I would go back in a heart beat.
  • Ze hadden een uitstekende service in het hotel verbleven we in en ik zou terug gaan in een hartslag. (Dutch translation)

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3 Translations

  1. jamess on May 08, 2011 Reply

    there has got to be another way to say Uitstekend (excellent), but this is what i learned in school. Can someone who speaks Dutch please post another translation?

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  2. mike on May 13, 2011 Reply

    Beats me.. i don’t speak Dutch. i just wanted to leave a comment 😉

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  3. Carlos on May 14, 2011 Reply

    In Dutch you’d say “Uitstekend”. ‘The school was given the top rated grade, excellent, in all nine regions of inspection.‘ would be translated to ‘De school kreeg de best beoordeelde rang, uitstekende, in alle negen regio’s van de inspectie.

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