1 Translations

How do you say Excellent in Italian?

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What is the Italian Translation for excellent?

Excellent translated into Italian is 'Eccellente'. Here are some sentences using Eccellente.

How to use Excellent in a sentence:

  • We are looking to recruit excellent teachers to make a difference in a child's life.
  • Stiamo cercando di reclutare gli insegnanti eccellenti a fare la differenza nella vita di un bambino. (Italian translation)
  • I am selling a new computer in excellent condition.
  • Sto vendendo un nuovo computer in ottime condizioni. (Italian translation)
  • The school was given the top rated grade, excellent, in all nine regions of inspection.
  • La scuola è stata data la top rated grado, eccellente, in tutte le nove regioni di ispezione. (Italian translation)

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1 Translations

  1. Christine on Jul 12, 2011 Reply

    In the first sentence, the best translation is: “Stiamo cercando di reclutare DEGLI insegnanti eccellenti PER fare la differenza nella vita di un bambino.” It’s better tu use “degli” because you are looking for only some excellent teachers, not all of them!

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