4 Translations

How do you say Excellent in Portuguese?

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How to Pronounce excellent in Portuguese

Portuguese is one of the easiest languages on earth, but in the past few months a lot of babelfish readers have been writing in about this. excellent in Portuguese is translated as: Excelente.

How to use Excellent in a sentence:

  • We are looking to recruit excellent teachers to make a difference in a child's life.
  • Estamos a recrutar excelentes professores para fazer a diferença na vida de uma criança. (Portuguese translation)
  • I am selling a new computer in excellent condition.
  • Eu estou vendendo um computador novo em excelentes condições. (Portuguese translation)
  • We are certain that all customers are satisfied with our excellent workmanship.
  • Estamos certos de que todos os clientes estão satisfeitos com o nosso excelente obra. (Portuguese translation)
  • They had excellent service at the hotel we stayed at and I would go back in a heart beat.
  • Eles tinham um serviço excelente no hotel ficamos na e iria voltar em uma batida de coração. (Portuguese translation)

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4 Translations

  1. Melinda Woods on May 15, 2011 Reply

    Hi i just saw your examples for translating excellent into Portuguese and thought i would share one of mine,That is excellent news to hear.Que é uma excelente notícia para ouvir..

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  2. ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

    Melinda, your example would be better like this:

    Esta é uma excelente notícia.

    That is cutting out the “to hear” part, it sounds redundant.

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  3. Rômulo Felipe on Oct 05, 2012 Reply

    One comment: In english, the words are universal about female and male but in portuguese have diference. Example: do not say “da nosso obra” because “obra” is a female word, you say “dA nossA obrA”

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