How do you say Handbook in Spanish?
Asked by: Vickie McNeill 3559 views
EOAC Waco Charter School
2012 – 2013 Student handbook and Code of Conduct
Please note Standard Campus Policies:
• Failure to abide by policies and procedures of the school may be grounds for dismissal
• The School day begins at 7:45a.m with morning assembly and ends at 3:30p.m. for students unless registered in after school care
• Children who arrive after 8:15a.m will be considered tardy
• The school must have signed authority to release a child into any person’s custody other than the parent or guardian. IF the person picking up the child is not listed on the release sheet, the child will NOT be released. Identification will be required for release of any child.
• Students are required to conform to the dress code daily
• ATTENDANCE is required by the State. Children who do not meet compulsory attendance requirements will be referred to the courts as required by law. Parents may have charges filed against them and fined if children are excessively absent.
• Please inform us of any health concerns including food allergies.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to 2012- 2013 school year. This year will be an exciting new year for many reasons. Our campus is under new leadership and has added many new internal and external improvements. The EOAC Waco Charter School is committed to providing a high quality education for all children. It is our goal to provide a curriculum designed to give each student the tools, resources and encouragement necessary to succeed in school and in life. We are charged with the responsibility of building a positive partnership with parents, students and teachers that puts learning first with strong culture of achievement. We look forward to an awesome school year with your child(ren) . Thank you for choosing Waco Charter School.
Waco Charter School Director/ Principal
Mrs. Sabrina Gray