1 Translations

How do you say I love you and had an amazing day !! now its time to make our Own history !! I’m in baby in French?

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1 Translations

  1. Liam Read on Jun 02, 2013 Reply

    Well, what you wrote doesn’t make much sense, so I’ll dissect it and translate it bit by bit.

    I recorrected your English as well by the way so I could translate it more easily. This is how I corrected it: “I love you and I hope you have an amazing day! Now it’s time to make our own history! I’m in, baby”

    > I love you: je t’aime

    > I hope you have an amazing day: j’espère que tu auras une journée incroyable

    > It’s now time: il est maintenant temps

    > to make our own history: de créer notre propre histoire

    > I’m in, baby (this doesn’t really translate well in French so I’m translating “Yay! I’m here” instead): Yay! Je suis arrivé

    All together: Je t’aime et j’espère que tu auras une journée incroyable! Il est maintenant temps de créer notre propre histoire! Yay! Je suis arrivé!

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