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How do you say I love you in Spanish?

Asked by: 9455 views ,

How do you say I love you in Spanish?  The way to say I love you in Spanish is Te quiero.  The phrase, I love you, is one of the most searched for phrases on this website.  This is probably because every person in their lifetime falls in love at least once.  It is only natural that men and women will fall in love and want to marry each other.  The second most commonly searched for phrase on this website is will you marry me.  But by far, the phrase I love you, is the most popular search.  The phrase I love you is searched for in French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, and every other language imaginable.  Why is it that the phrase I love you is searched for so many times?  Is everybody in love?  There is no question that the world would be a better place if we chose love, and not war.  As the saying goes, make love, not war.

If you have a different translation to say I love you in Spanish or in any other language then please leave a comment.

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6 Translations

  1. fidelis ugbah on Jul 24, 2011 Reply

    i love you,dearly and you look very beautiful.

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  2. edu quety on Oct 04, 2011 Reply

    i love en lo yuyo

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  3. Edward Schriner on Oct 12, 2011 Reply

    Te amo

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  4. Jesby Sanz on Mar 25, 2013 Reply

    I love you (english)
    Ti amo (italian)
    Te amo (Spanish, Portuguese, Galician)
    Wo ai ni (Chinese)
    Ai Shite Iru (japajese)

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  5. Bob Boblaw on Sep 28, 2013 Reply

    Love in Spanish has several different forms. Romantic love is generally ‘amor’ thus ‘te amo’ is ‘I love you.’ ‘Te quiero’ is also used for romantic love or familial love. This also may vary from culture to culture. Additionally ‘afecto’ and ‘cariño’ can be interpreted as love. For example, you could sign a letter ‘Con cariño, (name)’ or ‘Con afecto, (name)’ which is the English equivalent of ‘Love, (name)’

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  6. Ines Marie on Oct 28, 2015 Reply

    “Te quiero”
    “Te amo”

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