7 Translations

How do you say Little man on the ferris wheel in Miami in Spanish?

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7 Translations

  1. John on Jan 07, 2012 Reply

    un hombre pequeño en la rueda de la fortuna en Miami.

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  2. Jheiry on Jan 23, 2012 Reply

    Its seven

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  3. Quinn on May 16, 2012 Reply

    Well, my translation is “Hombrecito en la rueda de fortuna en Miami”

    But I just have to ask. WHY do you need to know? Is it because you’re weird like me, or is there an actual, tangible reason?

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    • Quinn on May 16, 2012 Reply

      This is sooooooooo eating me! So interesting! what is the circumstance that makes you ask? this is severely bugging me. Eeeevil…!…Eeeeevil…!…Eeeeeeeevil…!

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  4. Patty Orozco on Sep 18, 2012 Reply


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  5. Rafa González on Sep 28, 2012 Reply

    Mexican spanish:

    Un chaparrito en la rueda de la fortuna en Miami.

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  6. Paula Einöder on Nov 06, 2012 Reply

    Little man on the ferris wheel in Miami.

    Un hombrecito en la rueda de la fortuna en Miami. (Spanish Translation)

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