Asked by: Margaret Ditty 10274 views little man on the ferris wheel in miami, spanish
John on Jan 07, 2012 Reply
un hombre pequeño en la rueda de la fortuna en Miami.
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Jheiry on Jan 23, 2012 Reply
Its seven
Quinn on May 16, 2012 Reply
Well, my translation is “Hombrecito en la rueda de fortuna en Miami”
But I just have to ask. WHY do you need to know? Is it because you’re weird like me, or is there an actual, tangible reason?
This is sooooooooo eating me! So interesting! what is the circumstance that makes you ask? this is severely bugging me. Eeeevil…!…Eeeeevil…!…Eeeeeeeevil…!
Patty Orozco on Sep 18, 2012 Reply
Rafa González on Sep 28, 2012 Reply
Mexican spanish:
Un chaparrito en la rueda de la fortuna en Miami.
Paula Einöder on Nov 06, 2012 Reply
Little man on the ferris wheel in Miami.
Un hombrecito en la rueda de la fortuna en Miami. (Spanish Translation)