6 Translations

How do you say Miss You in Greek?

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How can I say miss you in Greek?

Miss you in Greek is pronounced "Μου λείπεις". Now we can see how it's used in a sentence.

How to use Miss you in a sentence:

  • I miss you mom after I moved out of the house.
  • Μου λείπεις μαμά μετά μετακινήθηκε έξω από το Σώμα. (Greek translation)
  • Will I miss you when you are gone?
  • Θα μου λείπεις όταν λείπετε; (Greek translation)

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6 Translations

  1. scott on Apr 29, 2011 Reply

    Uncovered this translation for 'Μου λείπεις'..
    "Μου λείπεις όταν δεν είστε γύρω από."

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  2. Kenny on Apr 30, 2011 Reply

    You are correct, miss you in Greek is usually Μου λείπεις.

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  3. Kristi on May 04, 2011 Reply

    I took a random English sentence and translated it.
    "I need you to know that I care and I miss you."

    "Πρέπει να γνωρίζετε ότι νοιάζει και μου λείπεις."

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    • Giwrgos Kastritis on Sep 01, 2012 Reply

      Kristi correction first. “I Need you to know that i care and i miss you” is translated into “Χρειαζομαι να ξέρεις ότι νοιάζομαι και μου λείπεις” but again in greek you must not translate the words one by one but the whole sentence because the sentence lose its meaning.

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  4. Robert Haydon on May 05, 2011 Reply

    I wanted to show an example I found.

    'Μου λείπεις όταν χρειάζεται μια αγκαλιά και δεν είστε γύρω από.'
    translated from Engilsh: 'I miss you when I need a hug and you are not around.'

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    • Giwrgos Kastritis on Sep 01, 2012 Reply

      Robert ‘I miss you when I need a hug and you are not around.’ is translated into ” Μου λείπεις όταν χρειάζομαι μια αγκαλιά και δεν είσαι τριγύρω”

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