4 Translations

How do you say Nice To Meet You in Danish?

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What is the Danish Translation for nice to meet you?

Nice to meet you converted to Danish is 'Rart at møde dig'. The easiest way to memorize Danish is to use it in a sentence.

How to use Nice to meet you in a sentence:

  • When she said nice to meet you I was speechless.
  • Da hun sagde rart at møde dig var målløse. (Danish translation)

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4 Translations

  1. Robert Haydon on May 04, 2011 Reply

    nice to meet you in Danish is Rart at møde dig.

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  2. Jack Wang on May 04, 2011 Reply

    Before: Nice to meet you in person for the first time.

    Translated: 'Rart at møde dig personligt for første gang.'

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  3. Charles Mcdermott on May 05, 2011 Reply

    I took a random English sentence and translated it.
    You say nice to meet you when you are in conversion or the begginning of it.

    Du siger rart at møde dig, når du er i konvertering eller begginning af den.

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  4. Cheryl on May 12, 2011 Reply

    I love the examples above but maybe this one can help you more.
    English: "Nice to meet you, come on in and stay a while."
    Danish: "Rart at møde dig, komme og forblive et stykke tid."

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