3 Translations
How do you say Nice To Meet You in French?
Asked by: Richard Delucia 8382 views
How to Translate nice to meet you in French
We get feedback from a lot of readers with questions about this. 'nice to meet you' in French can be translated to "Enchantée".
How to use Nice to meet you in a sentence:
- You say nice to meet you when you are in conversion or the begginning of it.
- Vous dites agréable de vous rencontrer lorsque vous êtes dans la conversion ou la begginning de celui-ci. (French translation)
- Nice to meet you, do you have the time to answer a few questions?
- Nice to meet you, vous avez le temps de répondre à quelques questions ? (French translation)
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Ok, so there you go. These translations should get you started. How am I doing? Is Enchantée the best way to say 'Nice to meet you'? If you see a mistake please give me a thumbs down and provide a better example.