How do you say printed in us say in French?
The way to say printed in USA in French is, imprimés aux Etats-Unis.
The way to say United States in French is États-Unis.
The way to say the United States in French is Les États-Unis. Directly translated, this means the state’s united.
How do you say the United States of America? The United States of America in French is, Les États-Unis d’Amérique.
The United States of America is not a French speaking country. The closest French speaking country to the United States is Canada. About 1/4 Canadians speak French but the majority of Canadians speak English. The official languages act in Canada dictates that Canada is a bilingual nation. The Canadian official languages act is a complete waste of money and costs Canadians billions of dollars in unnecessary expenditures that are designed only to keep Quebec happy. The official languages act pleases the French and is a drain on all working Canadians. This legislation needs to be scrapped.
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