5 Translations
How do you say Swimming in French?
Asked by: Michael Constant 13878 views
How to spell swimming in French
The French translation of swimming is.. "natation". Now we can see how it's used in a sentence.
How to use Swimming in a sentence:
- Swimming is the movement of humans and other animals move by way of water.
- Natation est le mouvement des humains et autres animaux se déplacer par voie d'eau. (French translation)
- I always enjoyed swimming as a child.
- J'ai toujours aimé natation comme un enfant. (French translation)
- I failed my swimming test today and will have to retake it next year.
- Je n'a pas aujourd'hui de mon test de natation et devra repasser l'année prochaine. (French translation)
- I was swimming the other day and did 15 laps of the pool.
- Je nageait l'autre jour et fait 15 tours de la piscine. (French translation)
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