5 Translations

How do you say Swimming in French?

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How to spell swimming in French

The French translation of swimming is.. "natation". Now we can see how it's used in a sentence.

How to use Swimming in a sentence:

  • Swimming is the movement of humans and other animals move by way of water.
  • Natation est le mouvement des humains et autres animaux se déplacer par voie d'eau. (French translation)
  • I always enjoyed swimming as a child.
  • J'ai toujours aimé natation comme un enfant. (French translation)
  • I failed my swimming test today and will have to retake it next year.
  • Je n'a pas aujourd'hui de mon test de natation et devra repasser l'année prochaine. (French translation)
  • I was swimming the other day and did 15 laps of the pool.
  • Je nageait l'autre jour et fait 15 tours de la piscine. (French translation)

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5 Translations

  1. Kenneth Powell on May 16, 2011 Reply

    I tried an online translation software to rewrite this sentence in French:There are a hand full of people that helped swimming become a well known sport.Il y a une main pleine de ceux qui ont aidé natation devenu un sport bien connu.

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  2. Nathan Reeve on May 16, 2011 Reply

    Il y a plusieurs de personnes qui ont aidé la natation devenu un sport bien connu. This is what I can think of but your translation is pretty much the same, except for the fact that I used plusieurs which means several instead of une main pleine de ceux.

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  3. Kristi on May 17, 2011 Reply

    i got a good friend to translate this sentence for me. English: ‘Swimming can be a great workout with zero impact. ‘ French: Natation peut être une grande séance d’entraînement avec zéro impact.

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  4. Kenneth on May 21, 2011 Reply

    Im going to France and I never quite knew how to say Natation in French. Until now 😉

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  5. Phoxtrot on Jun 24, 2011 Reply

    Aye “(la) Natation” for the name of the sport.

    “Nageant” for the present participle of the verb nager (to swim)

    and “a swimming pool” is usualy “une piscine” (or “un bassin de natation”)

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