2 Translations

How do you say Swimming in Italian?

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How to Translate swimming in Italian

We hear from a lot of readers having trouble with this. The Italian translation of swimming is 'nuoto'.

How to use Swimming in a sentence:

  • Swimming should be taught by a qualified lifeguard in controlled atmosphere.
  • Nuoto dovrebbe essere insegnata da un bagnino qualificato in atmosfera controllata. (Italian translation)
  • There are a hand full of people that helped swimming become a well known sport.
  • Ci sono una mano piena di persone che hanno contribuito a nuoto a diventare uno sport ben noto. (Italian translation)
  • Swimming can be a great workout with zero impact.
  • Nuoto può essere un grande allenamento con impatto zero. (Italian translation)
  • I was swimming the other day and did 15 laps of the pool.
  • È stato nuoto l'altro giorno e ha fatto 15 giri della piscina. (Italian translation)

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2 Translations

  1. Sidney Beckham on May 18, 2011 Reply

    There’s a sign that reads: Ho fallito il mio test di nuoto oggi e sarà necessario riprendere il prossimo anno. Could be Italian. Anyone know what it’s referring to?

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  2. Kenneth Powell on May 18, 2011 Reply

    Thank you for the translated examples of swimming in Italian.

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