7 Translations

How do you say Thank You in Chinese?

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How do you convert thank you into Chinese?

It is perhaps one of the most common languages around, but lately, tonnes of babelfish readers have been having trouble with this. The Chinese translation of thank you is ‘谢谢’.

How to use Thank you in a sentence:

  • Thank you to our important sponsors.
  • 谢谢你对我们重要的赞助商。 (Chinese translation)

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7 Translations

  1. Pauline Thurston on Apr 23, 2011 Reply

    Uncovered this Chinese translation for ‘谢谢’ –

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  2. Charles Mcdermott on Apr 28, 2011 Reply

    Show your appreciation to your friends with a thank you card.” would become: “欣赏你给你的朋友,感谢您的卡片。

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  3. Gayle on Apr 29, 2011 Reply

    The Babelfish translator gave me this:
    before: Just wanted to say thank you mom for giving me back my favorite stuffed animal.
    after: 只被想说谢谢你妈妈让我回到我最喜欢的玩具的动物。

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  4. rajesh on Apr 30, 2011 Reply

    Thanks guys for all the examples for thank you in Chinese.

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  5. Kenneth Powell on May 01, 2011 Reply

    I just came back from China, and I always wanted to know how to say 谢谢 in Chinese.

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  6. Winston on Jun 28, 2011 Reply

    People naturally may want to know how to pronounce this word. 谢谢 is written “xiexie” in the Romanized Mandarin Chinese system (called “pinyin”). The sound of that “x” is between “s” and “sh,” and in fact it is sometimes spelled “hs.” The “i” is a /y/ sound, and the “e” is what English speakers know of as a “short ‘e’.” So 谢谢=”xiexie”=/hsye-hsye/. You can see that this word is a repetition of two characters; however, in this case the first one (the first syllable)–a sharp, falling tone–is always pronounced stronger than the second one. (You might think of the second one as merely an echo of the first.)

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  7. Anne Melissa Pasos on Nov 07, 2019 Reply

    Many thanks to everyone for helping me.

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