5 Translations

How do you say Thank You in Dutch?

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How do you spell thank you in Dutch?

thank you translated into Dutch is – Bedankt. Next let’s see how it’s used in a sentence.

How to use Thank you in a sentence:

  • Thank you to our important sponsors.
  • Dank u aan onze belangrijke sponsors. (Dutch translation)
  • Also a large thank you to a couple of others that have helped me along the way.
  • Ook een grote dank aan een paar anderen die mij geholpen hebben langs de weg. (Dutch translation)

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5 Translations

  1. Kenneth on May 11, 2011 Reply

    ‘Bedankt’ is the Dutch way to say it. So ‘Our thank you flowers and gifts will get started in saying thank you.‘ would become: Onze dank u bloemen en geschenken zal slag in dank uitspreken.

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  2. Edwin C on May 12, 2011 Reply

    It looks like Babelfish has the right idea for translating thank you into Dutch.

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  3. scott on May 15, 2011 Reply

    Found this translation for ‘Bedankt’:
    Dank u voor al uw moeilijk werk dit jaar.

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  4. Sandra on May 17, 2011 Reply

    The website is right, thank you in Dutch is usually Bedankt.

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  5. Vera on Jul 19, 2012 Reply

    We say “Bedankt” or “dank je wel”. Also we sometimes use “dank u wel”. Witch is mostly used when talking to elderly people or people we don’t know. It shows a little bit more respect then the first two options.

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