34 Translations

How do you say Will You Marry Me in Portuguese?

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How to Pronounce will you marry me in Portuguese

We get feedback from a lot of readers having trouble with this. The best way to say will you marry me in Portuguese is – Queres casar.

How to use Will you marry me in a sentence:

  • My wife is from Denmark, so I learned how to ask will you marry me in Danish.
  • Minha esposa é da Dinamarca, assim que eu aprendi a perguntar a você vai me casar em dinamarquês. (Portuguese translation)
  • (Portuguese translation)

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34 Translations

  1. Gayle on May 04, 2011 Reply

    Hi i just saw your examples for translating will you marry me into Portuguese and thought i should share a new sample sentence.
    Get down on knee with a single rose clenched between your teeth, and an engagement ring in your hand, and ask the big question, will you marry me?
    Entrar no joelho com uma única rosa apertamos entre os dentes e um anel de noivado em sua mão e pedir a grande questão, você vai se casar comigo?.

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    • Ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

      Ajoelhe-se com uma única rosa apertada entre seus dentes, e um anel de noivado em sua mão, e faça a grande pergunta, quer se casar comigo?

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    • Jorge Espinha on Sep 17, 2013 Reply

      Get down on knee with a single rose clenched between your teeth, and an engagement ring in your hand, and ask the big question, will you marry me?
      Ajoelha-te , com uma rosa entre os teus dentes e com o anel de noivado na tua mão e faz a grande pergunta, “queres casar comigo”? (português from Portugal using a non formal aproach )
      Now if you want to be very fateful to the original english sentence:
      Apoia um joelho no chão e com uma rosa apertada entre os dentes e o anel de noivado na tua mão faz a grande pergunta “queres casar comigo?”
      Now , I should note that “faz a grande pergunta” is a little cumbersome in Portuguese. I would replace “ask the big question” with declara-te .

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  2. Donald Mello on May 05, 2011 Reply

    Thanks for the translation. I visited Portugal, and I couldn't remember how to say Queres casar.

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  3. Jack Wang on May 06, 2011 Reply

    I wanted to share a good example I found.

    "A questão que toda garota quer ouvir é:"
    converted from Engilsh: "The question every girl wants to hear is, "

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    • Ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

      That’s right Jack, but the best word for “question” is “pergunta”, here.

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  4. Kristi on May 08, 2011 Reply

    The translator said will you marry me is Queres casar in Portuguese. Example:'É após uma quantidade significativa de planejamento e preparação que o namorado vai pedir a namorada, você vai se casar comigo?'

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    • Tristan Villander on Aug 06, 2012 Reply

      the best translation for Will you marry me in portuguese is = quer se casar comigo ? (brazilian portuguese)

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  5. Kenneth Powell on May 11, 2011 Reply

    It's 'Queres casar' in Portuguese. So you'd convert Will you marry me, to have and to hold, til death do us part? Please enjoy me for the rest of your life. into "Você vai se casar comigo, ter e manter, til death do us part? Por favor desfrute-me para o resto de sua vida."

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  6. Nicholas on May 11, 2011 Reply

    Came across this translation for 'will you marry me'..
    'Você é tão bonita e eu não posso viver sem você. Eu quero passar o resto da minha vida com você. Queres casar?'

    +6 Votes Thumb up 0 Votes Thumb down 0 Votes

    • Ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

      Sorry, here it should definately be “quer casar comigo?”. You are calling the girl “você”, so the appropriate word is “quer”. Add a “comigo” meaning “with me”, it’s not redundant.

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  7. antony chan on May 12, 2011 Reply

    i got a good friend to translate this sentence for me. English: So please grant me the honor as I ask you my dear, will you marry me? After:: 'Então por favor, conceda-me a honra, peço-lhe meu caro, Queres casar?'

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    • Ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

      One small note: if you are talking to a girl, change “meu caro” to “minha cara”.

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  8. Chelsea on May 13, 2011 Reply

    Utilizing an online translator i got this:
    before: Many song lyrics include the phrase, "Will you marry me?"
    after: 'Muitos dos letras incluem a frase, "Você vai casar comigo?"'

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  9. Kenny on May 14, 2011 Reply

    The best way to translate will you marry me is: Homens precisam apresse-se e a grande pergunta, "Você vai casar comigo?"

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  10. Ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

    Listen, “will you marry me” is exactly “você vai se casar comigo”, but that is not the best translation. People ask “(você) QUER (se) casar comigo?”, which is exactly “do you want to marry me”. That may sound weird in English, but in Portuguese “você quer casar comigo” is normal, “você vai casar comigo” is weird.

    Another way to do this is simply “casa comigo?”, which would be like the simple “marry me?” in English.

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  11. asd on Jul 13, 2011 Reply

    “Will you marry me?” = “Queres casar comigo?”

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  12. Adriano on Nov 11, 2011 Reply

    Portuguese from Portugal = Queres casar comigo?
    Brazilian Portuguese = Você quer se casar comigo? (Correct way but too formal); Casa comigo? (popular)

    Offering a diamond ring, you will get Sim (Yes)
    Offering a silver ring, you will get Não (No)
    Offering an encrusted ring that she needs to inspect, you will get Talvez (Maybe)
    Just kidding (brincadeira) =)

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  13. Dick Pepperfield on Aug 02, 2012 Reply

    ‘Will you marry me’ in Portuguese would be – Queres casar comigo?

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  14. Maggy Menjivar on Aug 12, 2012 Reply

    never let me go

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  15. petrona orozco on Sep 18, 2012 Reply

    tequeres casar

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  16. petrona orozco on Sep 18, 2012 Reply

    casate con migo

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  17. Rômulo Felipe on Oct 05, 2012 Reply

    Peoples, the more portuguese inportant in the world is foram Brazil not foram Portugal. Because this, you say “Will you marry me” “Casa comigo?” Or “Quer se casar comigo?”

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  18. Matheus Bento on Oct 23, 2012 Reply

    in portuguese is “Quer casar comigo?”

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  19. Daniel Cunha Rêgo on Nov 06, 2012 Reply

    No, the best way is “Você quer casar comigo?”.
    ‘Queres casar’ is not so usual, native speakers does not use the ‘tu’ conjugation (second person in singular) frequently, we prefer to say ‘você’ (third person in singular)

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  20. Daniel Cunha Rêgo on Nov 06, 2012 Reply

    Or you could jus say “Quer casar comigo?”, what is more informal and usual.

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  21. Kone Matane on Jan 21, 2013 Reply


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  22. love bristol on Jul 05, 2013 Reply

    hi people

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  23. mouss murielle on Jul 19, 2013 Reply

    Quer casar comingo (
    will you marry me?) , i think it’s very simple to say it because peolpe always say it .

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  24. gabriel duarte on Apr 12, 2014 Reply


    How do you say Will You Marry Me in Portuguese?

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  25. Edy Priyambodo on May 24, 2014 Reply

    ¿quieres casarte conmigo?

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  26. Edy Priyambodo on May 24, 2014 Reply

    você vai se casar comigo?

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  27. How To Ask Will You Marry Me In Russian | Information on Oct 26, 2016 Reply

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