1 Translations
How do you say You Are Welcome in Italian?
Asked by: David Duran 6711 views
What is the Italian Translation for you are welcome?
you are welcome converted into Italian is "sei il benvenuto". Im actually still trying to learn Italian. Here are some 'you are welcome' examples.
How to use You are welcome in a sentence:
- If you have concerns about our solutions or solutions you are welcome to speak to us.
- Se avete preoccupazioni circa le nostre soluzioni o soluzioni siete invitati a parlare con noi. (Italian translation)
- You are welcome to peruse these webpages to get a sense of who we are.
- Siete invitati a leggere attentamente queste pagine per ottenere un senso di chi siamo. (Italian translation)
- The correct phrase is not your welcome but you are welcome.
- La frase corretta non è il benvenuto, ma siete i benvenuti. (Italian translation)
- You are welcome to stay a while longer.
- Siete invitati a stare un po' più a lungo. (Italian translation)
- You are welcome, Mam.
- Sei il benvenuto, Mam. (Italian translation)
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Alright, there are a few sample translations for you. I enjoy learning Italian and cranking out these posts really help me with my classes. If you have time add your own example translations.