1 Translations
How do you say How are you? in German?
Asked by: Devidarsana S 4457 views
1 Translations
How do you say I Love you in German?
Asked by: Stacy Allen 4234 views
2 Translations
How do you say front indicator lamp in German?
Asked by: Patrick Lynch 5112 views
0 Translations
How do you say Oh how they gleamd the white long tip long and luxurious It chipped What a disaster because of badminton What happened to my long luxurious nails? I cant hear the click anymore, I can’t see the gleam anymore I can’t do my work anymore What happened to my long, luxurious nails? Now, its chipped the click, the gleam, it’s gone Along with my long, luxurious nails The End Mrs.Skinner is awesome in German?
Asked by: Devin Foohead 3022 views
0 Translations
How do you say Willst du Mark in German?
Asked by: pax bonam 3048 views
0 Translations
How do you say I disagree with that rule in German?
Asked by: Alex Moore 3458 views
0 Translations
How do you say hi grace in German?
Asked by: Sydney Staley 2946 views
0 Translations
How do you say i do not work in German?
Asked by: Leandra Nightwolf 2786 views
0 Translations
How do you say boehner in German?
Asked by: Fj Massaro 3522 views
0 Translations
How do you say in the early morning hours in German?
Asked by: sharon livny 2804 views
0 Translations
0 Translations
How do you say i uploaded some documents for you on google docs in German?
Asked by: Joanne Igled 2608 views
0 Translations
How do you say Kill two birds with one stone in German?
Asked by: monika ilic 2979 views